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Personal Gardens’ Exhibition by Margarita Macijauskienė at Klaipėda Fashion and Business Center


The new exhibition “Garden – a Symbol of Cultural Living Space” by garden binder Margarita Macijauskienė, a master of traditional crafts, was opened at Klaipėda Fashion and Business Center "Herkaus galerija" (H. Manto str. 22, Klaipėda) on 20th of November, 2020.

In an unexpected space, the visitors of the exhibition can find the exhibited personal collection of straw gardens created by Margarita Macijauskienė, which was enriched in 2020 with new creations, binded both from straw and also using non-traditional, modern materials: ecoplastics, paper, glass, LED bulbs.

The author of the gardens aims to popularise the binding of gardens as one of the traditional ways of decorative art, alive and important in these days, but still poorly applied in modern home interiors and public space design. In the exhibition, the author presents the way of using straw gardens in a modern sight - as an accent of the design of modern houses and public spaces.

Everyone who wishes to visit the exhibition can do it by 20th of January, 2021, during the working hours of Herkus Gallery.

The organisation of the exhibition was financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.


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